⚙️ Location: 64.620962, -20.723870 [F550/Kaldadalsvegur, IS]
Guide: Oliviu L.Ghenciu & Raluca Grada-Emandi

Moon landing scenery:
- Road to nowhere // bad connection // driving car on a dry highway through the Highlands of Iceland
- Crossing the country between two places, one which is dead and one alive.
- every Nearby Mountain might be an active volcano
- Endless deserted rocky road
- Noise of car bumping
- Call muted / one dimension / echo non-stop
- expedition without destination
- Dead bodies on the windscreen
- Clouds very near, 1m above head
- Other people having picnic on a green patch, side of the road
- We've seen three cars so far
- camera shaking creates a sense of claustrophobia in spite of the open landscape