<aside> 🌳 Exclusion: 35.126110, 136.900943 [Shirotori Garden] Guide: Nalan Yılmazarslan



👃🏼 fresh, leafs, muddy, moss, humid, woody, matcha, water, NO SMELL. 👃🏼

Looking for the bottom stones, through the water facade of natural 4 beauty.

Looking for the bottom stones, through the water facade of natural 4 beauty.

<aside> 🌳 You can refine a garden, but cannot refine a 🏋🏽 person 😜


Train for 3 stations + walk 20 minutes under the sun. Just bare concrete, burning sun as a transitory phase towards the fairyland.

Is it going to be difficult to just 'randomly' connect with someone through translocation?

Could you better perforate through the social facade? teleport behind?


reaching the garden

reaching the garden

I found it interesting how in Nagoya, more than any other place we've "visited" thus far, my perception of the place was formed by the group's commentary. 

The garden's beauty, for example, was quickly overshadowed by Neill's assertion that "you can refine a garden but you cannot refine a person". I no longer saw it as a manifestation of beauty and tranquility but rather as an expression of material wealth and power, of hedonism almost. At that moment I realized that what makes these tours so fascinating is not being able to see a place in high definition or even to see it at at all. Instead, it's seeing how one image, one video, one sound can carry a vastly different meaning to each and every one of us. To me, translocation and a sense of collective cognitive dissonance are inseparable.

Most of it experienced through audio... how would it be if the only feed would be visual only?